القاهرة في صور من 1900 إلى 1936

1934 A street in Old Cairo, south of al-Azhar.

c. 1900 A tree stands partially submerged near the pyramids as the Nile overflows its banks.
1900 A snake charmer.

1934 Fishermen cast their nets into the current beneath a bridge.
1934 A street scene in Old Cairo.
1934 Boats along the banks of the Nile.


1900 A view of Cairo from the Saladin Citadel.
1900 The view from the Mosque of Ibn Touloun.
1900 Outside the Cairo railway station.
1900 The Cairo donkey market.
1900 The tomb-mosque of Sultan el-Ashraf.


1900 The City of the Dead necropolis in southeastern Cairo.
1900 The Mosque of Emir Akhor.
1900 Muski Street.
1900 The entrance to Kasr En-Nil, the bridge over the Nile.
1900 A camel carries a bridal party to a wedding.
1934 Boatmen eat lunch on the banks of the Nile.
1934 A shoeshine stand in Old Cairo
1934 An obelisk near Cairo.


*جميع صور القاهرة من أرشيف مكتبة الكونجرس الأمريكي.